All-black dress clothes with red accent
8:00 Load bus and leave for Kansas City
11:00 Eat at Freddy’s (Bring money)
11:45 Arrive at KCKCC and unload bus
12:15 Warm-up Time
12:45 Performance Time
1:15-4:15 Watch other bands perform
4:15 Leave for Arthur Bryant’s
4:30 Arrive at Arthur Bryant’s BBQ and eat (Thank you to Band Boosters for paying for this meal!)
5:45 Leave for KCKCC
6:15 Awards Ceremony
6:20 Leave for CJ
8:30 Arrive at CJ
8:00 Load bus and leave for Kansas City
11:00 Eat at Freddy’s (Bring money)
11:45 Arrive at KCKCC and unload bus
12:15 Warm-up Time
12:45 Performance Time
1:15-4:15 Watch other bands perform
4:15 Leave for Arthur Bryant’s
4:30 Arrive at Arthur Bryant’s BBQ and eat (Thank you to Band Boosters for paying for this meal!)
5:45 Leave for KCKCC
6:15 Awards Ceremony
6:20 Leave for CJ
8:30 Arrive at CJ