12-2 Monday
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Full Band
7th Grade - Sectionals
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-3 Tuesday
HS - Red Day - Outside marching and Inside Christmas Music
8th Grade - Career Day
7th Grade - Full Band
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-4 Wednesday
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Sectionals (Honor Band and Christmas Music)
7th Grade - Full Band (Scales and Christmas Music)
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-5 Thursday
HS - Red Day - Outside marching and Inside Christmas Music
8th Grade - Outside Marching
7th Grade - Sectionals (Honor Band and Christmas Music)
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-6 Friday
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Outside Marching
7th Grade - Full Band (Scales and Christmas Music))
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
Leave for All-State Band Auditions at 2:15 PM
12-7 Saturday
All-State Band Auditions at Hickman High School in Columbia
12-8 Sunday
CJ Christmas Parade at 2:00 PM (8th and HS Bands)
Looking Ahead
12/12 - 7/8/HS Christmas Concert in HS Gym
12/13 - Verdigris Jazz Festival (JH Jazz, Jazz 2, and Jazz 1)
12/20 - 6th Grade Band/Treblemakers assembly in morning
1/10 HS District Band/Conference Band Rehearsal
1/10 JH Honor Bands Audition
1/11 HS District Band/Conference Band Rehearsal/Concert
1/14 HS District Jazz Sectional
1/17 HS District Jazz Rehearsal
1/18 HS District Jazz Rehearsal/Performance
1/18 JH Honor Bands Rehearsal/Concert
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Full Band
7th Grade - Sectionals
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-3 Tuesday
HS - Red Day - Outside marching and Inside Christmas Music
8th Grade - Career Day
7th Grade - Full Band
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-4 Wednesday
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Sectionals (Honor Band and Christmas Music)
7th Grade - Full Band (Scales and Christmas Music)
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-5 Thursday
HS - Red Day - Outside marching and Inside Christmas Music
8th Grade - Outside Marching
7th Grade - Sectionals (Honor Band and Christmas Music)
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
12-6 Friday
HS - White Day - Jazz Band
8th Grade - Outside Marching
7th Grade - Full Band (Scales and Christmas Music))
6th Grade - Book Work and Holiday Concert Music
Leave for All-State Band Auditions at 2:15 PM
12-7 Saturday
All-State Band Auditions at Hickman High School in Columbia
12-8 Sunday
CJ Christmas Parade at 2:00 PM (8th and HS Bands)
Looking Ahead
12/12 - 7/8/HS Christmas Concert in HS Gym
12/13 - Verdigris Jazz Festival (JH Jazz, Jazz 2, and Jazz 1)
12/20 - 6th Grade Band/Treblemakers assembly in morning
1/10 HS District Band/Conference Band Rehearsal
1/10 JH Honor Bands Audition
1/11 HS District Band/Conference Band Rehearsal/Concert
1/14 HS District Jazz Sectional
1/17 HS District Jazz Rehearsal
1/18 HS District Jazz Rehearsal/Performance
1/18 JH Honor Bands Rehearsal/Concert